Praying for those who are sick within our Church

9 08 2012

On Wednesday evenings we dedicate a portion of our mid-week service to pray together in groups. We pass out a prayer sheet of requests that are broken down into different categories to help us pray specifically. For me personally, the section entitled “health needs” is always one of the hardest sections for me to pray through. It is not because I don’t care for the people that are listed there, but difficult because I don’t always know how to pray.

This last Wednesday I shared the following acrostic to help us know how to pray for those who are sick within our congregation.

Remember it this way, “let’s pray for their HEALTH.”

H – Have wisdom in the decisions surrounding their sickness

E – Energy

A – Attitude that pleases God in the midst of their suffering

L – Let others help them in their weakness

T – Take advantage of their new gospel platforms.

H – Healing

God is able to answer these requests and many more. May we honor Him through specific, thoughtful seasons of prayer

Keep praying for that one who is struggling. God is working!

9 08 2012

I would like to share with you an encouraging quote for those who are struggling to pray for someone who is struggling spiritually.  James McConkey in his book, “Prayer”  states the following in the format of God speaking to us:

My child you know not how to convict of sin, but I, who work as you pray, can bow down that soul in a very agony of conviction. You know not when to woo, when to reprove, but I who work as you ask, know just when to pour in the balm of love, and when to let fall the sharp quick blow of needed judgment. You cannot follow a soul in daily unbroken pursuit, for you are finite and must eat, rest, and sleep, but I who do as you ask, follow that soul day and night with sleepless vigilance, through every second of his existence, now comforting, now troubling; now giving darkness, now light; now sending prosperity, now adversity; now using the knife, now the healing balm; chastening, troubling, bereaving, blessing; bending, breaking, making, yea I can do all things needful to be done to bring that wanderer to himself and cause him to cry, ‘I will arise and go unto my Father’.