So many books…how do I choose?

18 07 2011

Most of us would consider it foolish to send a young 4 year old who cannot read to the medicine cabinet and ask him to get a bottle of medicine and take it. That child’s inability to read and discern what is in the bottle and how it should be taken puts the child at risk.

In a similar way, a Christian who is unable to discern the contents of a book puts them in a place of danger. So, this past Sunday night we worked through a handful of principles that can be used when trying to discern the contents of a book.

Filter your book choices through these questions and use them to grow in your discernment:

Who is the author? (this can often be found in the flyleaf of the book)

  • What is their background?  (ministry, training, experience)
  • What is their theological persuasion? (charismatic, Calvinistic, Fundamental)
  • Who is recommending this author?

Identify the major premise of the book?

  • What is the authors goal?
  • What does the author intend for me to do with what they are teaching?

What is their primary source?

  • Do they accurately reflect scripture in their interpretation and application?
  • Do they pull me away from the Bible or send me back to it?

Am I ready to read this book?

  • Am I already in the Word of God?
  • Have I already been applying what the Bible has taught me on this topic, or am I hoping this will provide new answers?
  • Does this book help me think correctly? Or does it create a distraction in my mind?

Please remember that the only book that is inspired and without error is the Bible. Make the Bible your priority and screen your other books with this principle, “Make sure the spiritual books you are reading draw you back to THE Book the Bible.”