The Heart of Camping

18 07 2011

A little over a year ago our church began to pray for God to supply a Christian camp nearby that our church family could use. Little did we know that God was already answering our prayers and providing Wolf Mountain Christian Camp. When Ironwood Christian Camp assumed responsibility for Wolf Mountain Camp I knew that God was not only providing a facility but also a sound camping philosophy that our church could wholeheartedly support.

Camp is becoming a big part of our ministry. We have camp staff attending our church, 6 of our college age adults are working there at different times this summer, and our folks in our church are beginning to attend retreats there throughout the year. With that in mind, let me share with us a little camp philosophy. What is the heart of camping? What is it about Wolf Mountain that separates it from a trip to a hotel, or a theme park? Take note of the acrostic and the video below to help us understand the difference that camp has:

H – Hearing the Word of God

E – Eliminating worldly distractions

A – Away from home overnight in a new setting

R – Reflecting on God’s Word and one’s life in a creation context

T – Trained staff leading unique, organized activities

The director of Ironwood, Mr. Sam Brock shares the details of these items in the following video. [youtube=]