5 Blessings From Our Summer Internship Program

1 08 2011

This summer our ministry had the blessing of hosting two interns. They spent the last two months learning and serving in our church. It is amazing to see God minister to us through the people we minister to. Our church received a great blessing from our internship program. Here are just a few of those blessings:

1. We received the blessing of watching God slowly grow and equip two men for ministry – It was so neat to watch God transform two young men with raw skills of ministry and to develop them over the two months. Their first Sunday of ministry was “rough” as we watched them stumble through their responsibilities, but then by the end of the summer we saw them ministering with ease, confidence, and spiritual maturity. In a sense, God put us all on the front row watching Him transform both of these young men.

2. We received the blessing of having two young men minister to our children and teens – Our young people received a well prepared VBS program as a result of their work. Our teens were enabled to go to camp and be ministered to because they served with us this summer. Activities, discipleship, and example were all given to our kids as a result of this internship. Never underestimate the value of our young people seeing interns with a heart for serving God. That is a great blessing to us!

3. We received the blessing of investing in two young men who will now be able to continue to minister to others – God has a place in the future for these two interns. It may be in our church or another church far from here. Regardless of where it is we had the privilege of investing in them in a way that will better enable them to invest in someone else. What a privilege to see that kind of return on our investment.

4. We received the blessing of spending two months with two young men who want to do the will of God -There is no greater atmosphere than the one that is created by people doing the will of God. Selfishness and a preoccupation with self destroys atmospheres. Our church benefited from having people in front of us serving with a heart to do God’s will.

5. We received the blessing of having a Pastor invest personally in two ministry minded men – I believe I grew this summer as your pastor because of the time spent investing in interns. The discipline of teaching ministry philosophy and modeling ministry to interns sharpens me and keeps me growing.

It has been a good summer. I’m already looking forward to next summer and the opportunity to do this again. It is a blessing to invest in the next generation.