Principles Our Church Leadership Must Remember Regarding God’s Will

25 03 2013

God's Will




There is a room in our church that is creatively called “the Brain.” It is the room our leadership meets in once a month for the purpose of planning, praying and leading our congregation. There are a number of items posted on the walls to remind us of important principles that apply to our role as leaders. In 2012 the following principles were posted for us to remember and though 2012 is over I hope we will still use them in 2013 and the years to come.

1. The call to lead Faith Baptist Church in God’s will includes a call for us to diligently seek God’s will.

2. God’s will must always supersede our own personal opinions or desires.

3. We must be careful to avoid solely determining God’s will through:

  • Another ministries practice
  • The previous administration of this congregation
  • What will help us avoid the most communication or conflict?

4. God will provide for that which is His will.

5. Our job is to know and lead the congregation in God’s will not to convince the congregation of God’s will.

6. God’s will is revealed through principles and the “ways” of God revealed in scripture.