Church website continues to improve!

9 11 2009


Many of you have made comment that there are aspects of our church website that are out of date or in need of improvement. If you click on you will find that slowly but surely things are becoming updated.

Ted Hayes has faithfully served our church through his ministry with our web and has recently handed those reins to Jason Taylor and Eric Palmer. Together with those men we are attempting to stay consistent with the foundation Ted has laid for this ministry.

Take note of the following things:

1.) Picture Gallery – Ted Hayes has served as the unofficial photographer within our church for many years and has an ever growing collection of photos from church events.

2.) Sermons from our study in Joshua continue to be uploaded to our site.

3.) Areas that were out of date or primarily the writing of the previous pastor have been removed until they can be accurately updated.

A couple of things that we are researching and considering are the following:

1.) A calendar glance of a whole month.

2.) A video portion that would include an introduction to our church.

3.) A Frequently Asked Questions page.

All to Him I owe!
